Was Attending Wrestlemania 34 (New Orleans, Christmas, 2018) The Highlight Of My Life? 

This is a great time of year.  MLB opening day is like my personal St. Pats, Cinco De Mayo and Arbor Day rolled into one. And March Madness steams like a young man’s dreams; its dunks and 3’s are for sportsmen.  

As if that weren’t enough, Wrestlemania 40 is coming up on April 6th & 7th from Philadelphia, PA. Simply put, most people cannot understand why I love pro wrestling and I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t love pro wrestling. Growing up, I was obsessed with Georgia Wrestling. I watched religiously every Saturday night on TBS. I subscribed to every magazine, attended every event my parents would drive me to. I even ordered an online wrestling dice game, made fake belts and forced my friends to play with me. I wish I still had my custom “I Hate RodNey Piper'' shirt. 

As I moved into high school, I dropped silly things like pro wrestling so I could focus on serious topics like Night Ranger and not getting laid.  

However, many years later, when my son Owen was in 5th grade, he fell for WWE hard. Even harder than I did at his age. Suddenly I was back as his tag team partner watching WWE Raw and Smackdown every week. We were hooked. 

For Christmas in 2018 my wife suggested the boss move of taking Owen to Wrestlemania 34 in New Orleans. It made no sense and all the sense in the world. We found a direct flight from Columbus to N.O. on Sunday morning, caught the show and flew home the Tuesday after. 

I’ve never had more fun. Returning to one of my favorite cities, with my favorite people, to watch one the world’s great spectacles with fellow nerds from all over the globe. Did I mention I’ve never had more fun?  So much in fact, it might be the final thought I have on my deathbed as I take my last breath with a smile on my face and a figure-four leg lock in my heart. Don’t think of Wrestlemania as a sporting event. Think of it as a six hour KISS concert where the set-list is chosen completely at random. And what is the best part of any KISS show? The opening. At Wrestlemania, every match is like a gigantic KISS opening number. And there are 12 matches. And when Gene Simmons flies, sometimes he jumps off the lighting rig smashing Ace Frehley through a table. Watch this!

Though I rarely watch full shows anymore (much like NBA games) the internet makes it very easy to catch up quickly on all the story lines leading into this year’s two-night card from Philly. And WWE Legends on A&E and Dark Side of the Ring from VICE are always extremely well-done and informative. I’m not sure there is such a thing as a boring professional wrestler. They are all nutz.

This big news in 2024 is that The Rock has returned to WWE in full heel mode. I have renewed respect for this movie star coming home to his roots. Dwayne Johnson’s commitment to bringing cheap heat is awe-inspiring. His agent and manager have to be concerned that his abhorrent behavior towards baby face Cody Rhodes could do serious and permanent damage to Johnson’s silver screen good guy persona. But Rock grew up in the rasslin’ business and respects that business. It is what made him famous. If he is wrestling, he is 110% committed to the story line. Treat yourself by following him on Instagram. I laugh out loud every time. His promos are that good. I have watched the following clip four times. All the way through. 

And just last week, things got physical. And bloody.. 

Owen is at college now but we text each other about the storylines leading up to Wrestlemania 40. It’s shaping up to be a banger. And Summerslam will be in Cleveland this August and we plan on attending. That night the “Factory of Sadness” will be the factory of fun. Unlike Browns games, a good time is guaranteed by all. No matter who you are rooting for.

That’s the great thing about professional wrestling, it’s never about winning or losing or being real or fake. It’s about having a good time and enjoying the show. Having a laugh while still admiring the breathtaking athleticism and courage it takes for these performers to pull off the death-defying stunts they do on a nightly basis. I pity the fools that don’t give pro wrestling a chance. The joke is on them. Especially in an election year. Treat yourself to some fun. 

Colin Gawel founded Pencilstorm and wrote this at Colin’s Coffee. His band Watershed has a new record coming out in June, 2024.