Video of So-So Cheap Trick Songs Is Easier to Find Than Dramatic World Series Home Runs

I grew up in Columbus, Ohio, with the Reds and Indians each being approximately 120 miles driving time from my home. In a stroke of genius, I will now use YouTube to sum up the two franchises' fortunes since 1980 in two single at-bats. This is going to be great! Searching YouTube. They have everything on here. Here... we... go! Um, hold on, let me try Marlins win. Um, no. OK, Eric the Red Bombs. Oh, it's Fernandez with a "z" not with an "s." WTF?  No clips??

Ugh. I had planned on showing a concise clip of Eric Davis's Riverfront-rattling bomb off Dave Stewart and the favored A's in Game One of the 1990 World Series and the Tribe's Tony Fernandez heartbreaking 10th-inning error, costing Cleveland the 1997 title to the upstart Marlins as my two defining moments.

Yet, you baseball geeks have let me down. What are you good for anyway? I can search and find a live version of Cheap Trick performing "It's Only Love" from Harpo's in Detroit on The Doctor tour in less than 30 seconds, yet not one clip of the two most definitive plays in Reds and Indians' recent histories are posted. I mean, nobody has bothered to upload that stuff to YouTube? You nerds disgust me. For the love of all that is holy, please take a five-minute break managing one of your seven fantasy teams and upload these clips before all of Ohio is jinxed. In the meantime, the rest of you can enjoy these still photos from the 11 o'clock news. Not too shabby...

Seriously nerds, do it.​ Remember, it's up to you.  


From The Doctor tour. LIVE 11/14/86 Harpos Detroit, MI